Lone Star First United Methodist gets new pastor

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First United Methodist Church in Lone Star welcomed its new pastor, Dr. Richard Heyduck, on April 7.
Dr. Heyduck, a member of the Religion Department at Wiley College, pastored churches throughout Texas for over 20 years before joining the Wiley faculty last year. No stranger to this area, he pastored most recently at First United Methodist Church in Pittsburg.
Dr. Heyduck and his wife, Christi, have three children, two of whom still live at home.
 Dr. Heyduck is taking over the pastorate upon the retirement of Rev. Dave Avis who has been the pastor at Lone Star for three years.
“I’m thankful for Rev. Avis’ assistance as I learn about this congregation,” Dr. Heyduck said. “The church property is beautiful and has a great setting. I’m thankful to be able to lead such a friendly, loving congregation. I look forward to getting to know the people and identifying the ways our church can help people in the community connect with Jesus.”
Dr. Heyduck reports that he has long used the Internet as a ministry tool. He adds that people who want to check him out can find an archive of previous messages at http://pursuingJesus.blogspot.com.
Lone Star First United Methodist Church is located on Highway 259 on the north side of town. Sunday morning worship services are at 11a.m.
“If you’re looking for a church in the community, we would be happy to have you visit,” Dr. Heyduck said.

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