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Jammin’ for Jesus
There will be Jammin’ for Jesus Saturday night at 6 p.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church in Daingerfield.

Movies in the Park
Movies in the Park will be held at dusk at Spring Creek Park in Hughes Springs. Showing on Aug. 23 will be “Joyful Noise” and on Aug. 24 will be “Paulie.”  For questions, call 903-639-7519 or 903-639-2351.

Caregiver’s Support Group
There will be a Caregiver’s Support Group meeting every Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. in the conference room at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Linden. For further information, call Kathy Johnson at 903-756-9868.

Freedom Rally
Cong. Louie Gohmert will be the featured speaker on Saturday at a Freedom Rally and Barbecue at the Mount Pleasant Livestock Pavilion. Cong. Ralph Hall, candidate for the U.S. Congress District 4; Tom Pauken, candidate for Texas Governor; and many other statewide offices seekers will be speaking during the event. Bring lawn chairs and blankets to sit close to the stage. The barbecue begins at 11 a.m. Admission is free. The barbecue is optional for a nominal charge.

Turkey Creek Revival
Turkey Creek Baptist Church will hold its revival Aug. 25 – 28. Services will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. and again at 6 p.m.; and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 p.m.

The Williams Chapel Baptist Church will celebrate the first anniversary of Pastor Arlander F. Buford on Sunday, Aug, 25, at 3 p.m. The special guest will be Pastor L.C. Webster from New Victory Temple Pentecostal Church in Daingerfield. The theme is “Serving the Lord Jesus Christ.” Everyone is invited.

Choir Rehearsal
The first choir rehearsal for organizing the Unity Youth 50 Voice Mass Choir will be held Aug. 24 at 10 a.m. at the Allen-Rodgers Retreat Building in Linden. All youth are asked to be present.

Woman Day
The Pine Bluff Baptist church will celebrate Woman Day on Sept. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Wayne Robinson and the Wallick Chapel Christian Church of Daingerfield will be the special guests. The public is invited.

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