West Nile not seen locally this year

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By Marlene J. Bohr
Statistics change daily as reports come in about new West Nile Virus deaths throughout the state and the nation. The rain and hot weather combination makes a good breeding ground for mosquitoes. However, not all of them carry the West Nile Virus.
The cities of Avinger and Lone Star are not spraying this year due to the fact they no longer have a licensed person to do the spraying. Those licensed have to attend school and pass tests regarding the chemicals and spraying. Daingerfield has contracted to have their city sprayed.
However, Hughes Springs City Secretary George Fite said the city is taking action to safeguard their residents.
“We continue to do the mosquito dunks in water-standing areas to kill the larva,” Mr. Fite said. “We are working with property owners to remove mosquito habitats found in tires and in other items which hold water and high grass and weeds. We are doing drainage work to ensure there is no standing water in ditches, etc.
“We are much grateful for the rain, and this is what we are doing to counteract any expanding mosquito population. Like with anything, it takes us all working together to be successful.”
A spokesperson at the Tall Pines Clinic in Lone Star said none of their patients have had the West Nile Virus nor have any of them had any flu-like symptoms.

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