East Texas Timberland Owners’ Association to hold fall meeting

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The East Texas Timberland Owners’ Association would like to invite all forest land owners to the fall meeting on Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Cass County Law Enforcement Training Center, County Road 1913, in Linden.  The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and conclude around 2 p.m.  Tommy’s barbecue lunch will be provided for all current ETTOA members.  For non-members and guests a $10 lunch fee will be collected at registration.  Lunch is provided, courtesy of Lone Star Ag Credit in New Boston.
A busy agenda will be covered. Walt Sears, general manager of Northeast Texas Municipal Water District, will speak on the topic of emerging environmental issues facing forest landowners; Ray Lott, Ray Lott & Associates Inc., Texarkana will advise us on how to select a Consulting Forester; Ms. Lux Davis from ArborGen will speak about ArborGen’s products that are available to forest landowners; Ben Davis with NRCS in Mount Pleasant will tell us how the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) works in Texas; and Brody Baird, President, Lone Star Ag Credit in New Boston will tell us how Lone Star Ag Credit can provide financial solutions for rural Americans.  There will be a silent auction to raise money for the Association and hold the annual election of officers.  We will also have a door prize and the winner needs to be present to win.

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