Hometown Person

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Full name: Terry Darlin Rau.
I have lived in: Daingerfield for 36 years.
Family: My daughter, Kathy Rau Derrick, and my grandbabies, Chad Derrick and Chloe Derrick.
Pets:  A dog name Chicken.
Occupation: Delivery person for meals on wheels.
One of the best things about my job is: Making sure people that are not able to get out, get at least one hot meal a day
My ideal vacation is: To see the ocean.
My hero is: My mother, Dorothy McCreight. She has been the best mother and friend a daughter could have.  She raised me to be the best mother I could be.
My favorite healthy snack is: Watermelon.
A cause I most believe in is: Making sure everyone knows that God loves them and wants to live with them for eternity
The person who has influenced my life most is: My best friend, Tra Young. He has done a lot for me in the 35 years I have known him.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: Almost getting struck by lightning…very scary.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d: Probably wouldn’t change a thing. Because my life is the way God has planned it and He let me learn from all my mistakes and experiences.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: The most exciting thing in my life was the day my daughter was born.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of:  History was never my strong suit, so I really couldn’t tell you.
Two words that describe me are: Happy and happy.
Included on my bucket list are: To see the ocean.
I wish I had the courage to: Ride in an airplane.

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