Hometown Person

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Full name:  Brenda Sue Caperton Nix.  
I have lived in: Hughes Springs all my life--- except for two years I lived in Tyler while attending Tyler Junior College.  
Family: My husband, Mike; children, Melissa and Robbie;  daughter and son-in-law, Maegan and Bradley; and the best and smartest grandchildren in the world, Cooper Caperton Nix, Lundy Cate Nix and Ella Beth Edge.  
Pets: One chocolate lab, Lizzie, and one yellow lab, Annie.
Occupation:  I have worked in the adoption unit for Child Protective Services for 12 years.  
One of the best things about my job is: I get to see children find their forever families.  There were 275 children adopted last year in our region.  
My ideal vacation is:  Going to Las Vegas with Mike.  
My hero is:  Definitely my husband, Mike.  He has been there with me through lots of life’s ups and downs.  He is my biggest supporter.  He even takes me to see Donny Osmond in Las Vegas—how sweet is that?
My favorite TV show is:  “The Nanny.”  I know it’s old, but it still makes me laugh.
My favorite healthy snack is:  Walnuts. I love them.
A cause I most believe in is:   A cure for juvenile diabetes.  My friends know why this is so important to me.  
The person who has influenced my life most is:  My daddy, William Ray Caperton.  He taught me by example to have a good work ethic.  He always provided for us and made sacrifices for his family.   I also like to think I got some of my wittiness from him.   
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: Being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009.  I am a survivor now.  So is my baby sister, Tina. You go sister.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d:  Probably stayed out of the sun so much when I was a teenager.  
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: Going to New York City for the first time with one of my friends.  The most dangerous is probably getting in the back of a van in NYC to buy a Prada purse. My husband still hasn’t forgiven me for that.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of:  I have no idea.  I prefer to live in the right now time.  
Two words that describe me are:   Caring and loyal.
Included on my bucket list are: Retiring so I can have more time to play with grandbabies, and take a trip to the Caribbean.
I wish I had the courage to: Go snorkeling.

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