Cass County District Attorney’s Report

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Pleas, hearings, and sentencing for the month of August, in the Fifth District Court of Cass County, Ralph K. Burgess, presiding judge, and Criminal District Attorney Clint E. Allen, are as follows:
Defendants placed on community supervision (formerly known as “probation”) must abide by many conditions that may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:  Commit no offense against the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States; avoid injurious or vicious habits; avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character; report to the supervision officer as directed by the judge or supervision officer and obey all rules and regulations of the community supervision and corrections department; permit the supervision officer to visit the defendant at the defendant’s home or elsewhere; work faithfully at suitable employment as far as possible; remain within a specified place; pay the defendant’s fines, if one be assessed, and all court costs whether a fine be assessed or not, in one or several sums; support the defendant’s dependents; reimburse the county in which the prosecution was instituted for compensation paid to appointed counsel for defending the defendant in the case, if counsel was appointed; submit to testing for alcohol or controlled substances; attend counseling sessions for substance abusers or participate in substance abuse treatment services in a program or facility approved or licensed by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; reimburse a law enforcement agency for the analysis, storage, or disposal of raw materials, controlled substances, chemical precursors, drug paraphernalia, or other materials seized in connection with the offense.
 Willie Lee Harper Jr., 46, Atlanta, 25 years prison for tampering with physical evidence, jury trial and punishment, and 25 years prison for possession of a controlled substance, sentences to run concurrently.
Kevin Darrell Price, 24, Atlanta, six years prison for retaliation against a peace officer and two years State jail for evading arrest/use of vehicle, sentences to run concurrently.
Samantha Smith, 28, Queen City, 18 months State jail for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, community supervision, revoked, and 18 months State jail for forgery by passing, community supervision revoked, sentences to run concurrently.

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