Daingerfield-Lone Star Independent School District receives a clean audit

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By Marlene J. Bohr
Andrew Arnold, auditor from the firm of Arnold, Walker& Arnold Company, P.C., informed the board of trustees that the audit for the Daingerfield-Lone Star Independent School District was clean. Mr. Arnold spoke to the board at the Nov. 18 meeting. The board unanimously approved the audit.
“I appreciate you all letting us do the work for you,” Mr. Arnold said. “It was a pleasure to work with Lisa White and Sandra Quarles. Your revenue in the general fund is $750,000. That was an increase to the general fund balance, so we have added a million and a half to the fund balance the past two years. We also absorbed some payroll costs that were paid by federal funds last year. The cost-cutting measures were effective, and that helped.

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