Hometown Person

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Name:  Billy Walker.
I have lived in: Hughes Springs for 75 years.
Family: Wife, Linda; and three daughters, Debbie Daniels, Pam Hall, and Lisa Walker.
Pets: A cat named Dashboard. He rode from Georgia to Marshall on the dashboard of a car.
Occupation: Worked for Reilly Industries for 43 years; owned fireworks stand for 47 years; peddled ice in Hughes Springs in my high school days; and managed a coin operated laundromat for 30 years.
One of the best things about my job is: Meeting the people and selling fireworks.
My ideal vacation is: Going to a state park at Wilhelmina, Arkansas.
My hero is: My Lord.
My favorite tv shows are: Baseball, football, basketball and Lawrence Welk.
My favorite healthy snack is: Bologna and crackers.
A cause I most believe in is: The Salvation Army.
If I could change one thing about East Texas, it would be: The weather.
The persons who have influenced my life the most are:  Joe Blunt 1952-1555, he lived in Diana; and my wife, Linda.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: I was sliding wood with a mule and the mule took off and knocked the outhouse over. My daddy whopped me.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d: Get me a college education.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: Going to Charles Page’s barbershop and meeting all the customers.
If I won a trip anywhere, I would go to: Germany as it is a good shopping area for guns.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of: The Alamo.
Two words that describe me are: Honest and fair.
Included on my bucket list are: I would like to see my grandchildren grown and finish college.
I wish I had the courage to: Fly an airplane and ride my mule again. Ralph Russell, Don Johnson and I take another train ride from Hughes Springs to Pittsburg like we did before.

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