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Christmas Program
The Unity District Association Youth Department will present its Christmas program on Dec. 15 at 3 p.m. at the Allen-Rodgers Retreat Building on Highway 155 in Linden. The evening highlight will be a drama called ‘Take me to the King.’ The public is invited.

M.O.M. Meeting
M.O.M. (Ministering Our Military) Support group will have its monthly meeting Dec. 19 at 6at the Hot Link Palace in Mount Pleasant.  M.O.M. is a group of military family members who come together to support and minister to those who have loved ones currently in the military, serving our country.  For more information, visit our Facebook page (M.O.M. Ministering Our Military), call 903-884-8413 or email mommp2013@gmail.com.  

Christmas Parade
The Hughes Springs Christmas Parade has been rescheduled for Saturday, at 1 p.m. with line up beginning at noon in the Mustang Stadium parking lot.

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