Days Gone By

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Honeysuckle by Carole Sinkule opens the lodging on the upper level of her shop and restaurant6 in Hughes Springs.
Assistant principal at the Daingerfield Junior High, John White, resigns after 25 years at the junior high school.
Mayor Leif Lowrimore in Avinger shared plans with the city council to build a new water tower in Avinger.
Commissioner Rick Perry met with the Northeast Texas Economic Developers after the passage of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Steel Country residents awakened to 5-8 inches of snow Friday morning and most spent the day playing in the snow and building snow people.
Eight Morris County 4-H members participated in the District 5 4-H Food Show Dec. 6 in Longview. The theme of the food shows ‘Holiday Foods for Fitness.’
The Daingerfield Tiers won the Texas schoolboys Class 3A state championship Saturday night in Waco’s Baylor Stadium and they won it in just the fashion they should have; with a 42-0 shutout of the Sweeny Bulldogs.

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