Hanson-Sewell Center to offer new courses for spring 2014

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A slate of new courses will be available beginning in January at Northeast Texas Community College’s Hanson-Sewell Center in Pittsburg.
“The Hanson-Sewell Center is here to serve our community. We offer a wide variety of classes in a location that is convenient for residents of Camp County and surrounding areas. We can also provide general student services, including advising, testing, and financial aid assistance,” Judy Jackson, director of the Hanson-Sewell Center, said.
Spring semester academic course offerings at the center will include: Fitness for Life, Small Farm Agriculture Processing; Micro and Macro Economics, Principles of Accounting I and II, History to 1877 and History Since 1877, Texas Government, Federal Government, Food Sanitation & Safety, Business Computer Applications, and Music Appreciation.
Each of these classes may be taken by students who are pursuing a degree/certificate, as well as anyone interested in taking the courses.

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