Letter to the Editor

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Our freedom is lost

Dear Editor:

I can’t imagine our government negotiating a deal with Iran that says if you promise not to use your super-charged nuclear energy for weapons we will lift our sanctions we have place on you. Yea, they of course agreed, that gives them more time to develop ‘peaceful’ uses for their bomb-grade energy. Iran probably flares off more natural gas a day than they use for electrical generating power and other manufacturing businesses. They have more oil and gas than they can ever use and we think they are going to close down the cheapest energy sources in the world and use the most expensive and dangerous source. What rock have our negotiators spent their life under?
The Affordable Care Act, aka, “Obama Care Act” was passed by incompetent congressmen that never read the law and lies from those who did read the law. The Obama Care is simply another major step by the government to gain more control of the population. When we pay for 20 million more people to have free medical care who do you think they will vote for in the next election? Who could ever believe that your insurance would be cheaper when you are paying for 35 percent of the population that pays nothing?
The Internal Revenue Service has been reprimanded by congress for chastising political opponents of the current administration. Now that that has been done they are still doing the same thing with the current powers blessings. They make the laws as they go to fit their desires.
The Federal Reserve has been buying Treasury Bills at the tune of 85 billion dollars a month for over a year to keep big business in business. We will pay for this too, the middle class working folks.
The federal government has for years tried to take our weapons. The attempt will never end until it is accomplished. We represent a danger to big government. It’s not a random shooting at a school, a church, or a meeting place that they really want to control, its unopposed government militia when they declare martial law. During World War II when the Japanese appeared to control the Pacific the Japanese hierarchy discussed a land invasion of the United States. While studying the appropriate location for the invasion they discovered a startling fact. Every man woman and child in
America was armed. They would not only have to fight our military but the entire population. A land invasion was immediately cancelled.

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