Keep campaign signs legal on Texas roads

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Texans take great pride in their beautiful, scenic state.  They also like to boast about its nationally renowned highway system with its many varieties of wildflowers.  
During campaign season, however, the landscape blooms with a different flower—the political sign.  On private property, they can be a thing of beauty to supporters.  On public lands, they are illegal.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) would like to remind candidates and their supporters of a few things when erecting political signs:
·         Do not place campaign signs on or within any public right of way as State law specifically prohibits this.  This includes trees, telephone poles, traffic signs, and other objects on the right of way.  Signs in violation will be removed by TxDOT employees, a county sheriff or a constable, depending upon the jurisdiction.
·         If signs are being placed inside of incorporated city limits, make sure to check with the city because the signs may be subject to a local ordinance.

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