Hometown Person

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Full name: Sheri Jean Kramer.
I have lived in: The Dallas/Fort Worth area until nine years ago when I moved to Daingerfield to be closer to my parents.
Family:  I have two sons, Weston and Clayton, who live in Arlington; two grandchildren, Clayton, 9, and Isabel, 3. I have two brothers, Phil Johnston who lives in Daingerfield and Mike Johnston who lives in Colorado.
Pets: I have a cat named Amber Eyes and a dog named Dolly.
Occupation:  I work as office manager for the Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce.
One of the best things about my job is:  It is new and therefore challenging.  I am happiest when I am learning and accomplishing.
My ideal vacation is:  On a beautiful beach with all-inclusive amenities.
My hero is:  My mother.  She continuously strives for improvement in the quality of life, and is always there for you if needed.
My favorite TV show is: I am more of a movie person than sitcom, but I do enjoy the singing and dancing competition shows.
My favorite healthy snack is:  This is difficult.  Are potato chips healthy in any way?
A cause I most believe in is: Wounded Warriors.  I have two sons whom I am grateful who have not had to serve, but the loss and injured of those that do is so greatly appreciated.  They have given everything.
If I could change one thing about East Texas, it would be: Bring more industry to the area, moderately growing the population, and then creating more entertainment for the community.
The person who has influenced my life most is:  My father of whom I describe as “Goodness”.  He was committed to his family and career, yet in a quiet way.  He commanded respect without having to demand it just by the way he lived.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was:  Rescuing my small child from choking.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d:  Be stronger as a child through teen years, accepting who I was and not worry about what others thought.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was:  I have not been much of a risk taker; I live vicariously through the Fear Factor show.  I would like to go zip-lining someday.  
If I won a trip to anywhere, I would go to:  Tahiti.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of:  The roaring twenties.
Two words that describe me are:  Down-to-earth, yet adaptable.
Included on my bucket list are:  Zip-lining, owning a small business, finding Mr. Right, travel as much as possible, winning the lottery.
I wish I had the courage to:  Skydive.

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