Hughes Springs and area is proud of Olympic skater Jonathan Garcia

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By Marlene J. Bohr

Social media was ablaze as the area came together with well wishes for Olympic skater Jonathan Garcia this past week. He became ‘hometown’ to Hughes Springs as his grandmother, Sally Welch, and aunt and uncle, Toni and Randy Black live in Hughes Springs.
Hughes Springs Chamber of Commerce manager Rhonda Pitts and City Secretary George Fite planned a community event at the Legacy to view Garcia’s performance at the Olympic on a big screen television.
Garcia placed 28th in skating which was 2 seconds away from the Gold Medalist.
“As his race was not aired, we were unable to share his event with the community,” Mrs. Pitts said. “Sally has lived here all her life and is well-known throughout the community. As word spread of Garcia’s Olympic competition, everyone in the community was excited and were rooting for Garcia.”
Mr. Fite said he was very proud Garcia qualified to go to the Olympics.
“We are still very proud of him,“ Mr. Fite said. “We are very pleased to have had an Olympian with Hughes Springs roots. Jonathan Garcia created enormous interest in this year’s speed skating Winter Olympics and we are proud of his achievements, his family and his future.”
Betsy Schindler of Hughes Springs has known Marianne Garcia, Garcia’s mother, all her life.
“I am also extremely proud for Marianne and Jonathan about this huge accomplishment to get to go to Russia and represent the United States in the Olympics,” Mrs. Schindler. “I am hoping that Jonathan will visit Hughes Springs in the future and meet his fans here because he has a lot of them.”
In Garcia’s profile on the Olympic site for Sochi, Russia, the following information was available.

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