Hometown Person

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Full name: Malena Jackson Strawn.
I have lived in: Dallas, Houston, Hughes Springs and Daingerfield.  
Family: Husband, Bo; son, Branden; daughter and son-in-law, Amity and Michael; and grandson, Mason.
Pets: Dogs, Peppie, Spot, Tink, Bear, Mystery and Michael; and cats, Short Stop, Tweak, Socks, Puffie and Squeaker; and six rabbits.
Occupation: CMA at The Springs.
One of the best things about my job is: It’s a different adventure every day.
My ideal vacation is: Six months on an  island with someone waiting on me hand and foot.
My heroes are: My parents and my brother.
My favorite TV show is: CSI and Criminal Minds.
My favorite healthy snack is: Does chocolate count?
A cause I most believe in is: Animal protection.
If I could change one thing about East Texas, it would be: The pollen.
The person who has influenced my life most is: My mother. She got me a job in the nursing home at 14 years old and I’m still doing it at 40.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: Getting married at 32 years old for the first time.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d: Finish high school, go to college and be a veterinarian.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: Have my two children.
If I won a trip to anywhere, I would go to: Ireland.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of: Riding with Belle Starr; she is family.
Two words that describe me are: Honest and blunt.
Included on my bucket list are: Sky diving.
I wish I had the courage to: Get on a plane full of chickens, scared to death of both.

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