Bankard’s compassion for honey bees led to his beekeeping project

Submitted by Daingerfield1 on

Recognizing the plight of the honey bee and having a desire to help them survive, a local man has not only started keeping hives, but offers bee removal service to the area.
“Last year about May I caught my first swarm in Hughes Springs,” Greg Bankard said. “They were in a tree. I shook the limb and got them in a box, closed it up and took them home and got them started. I have gotten a few more swarms started and I now have a total of six hives. I lost three over the winter though because of the cold weather.
“Last summer the drought hurt them too, as there just wasn’t a lot of food for them.”
Since Mr. Bankard is in the tree removal business, he has a chance to come in contact with swarms of bees.
“In addition to taking swarms out of trees, I also take them out of people’s houses if they get in walls,” Mr. Bankard said.
Unlike some, Mr. Bankard does not mind being stung by bees and relates a recent experience of capturing a swarm.
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