Furniture, bus and mower purchases approved by school board at meeting

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By Marlene J. Bohr
The concrete has been poured and work has begun at the construction site for the six new classrooms at the Hughes Springs Elementary School. The school board approved accepting a quote from Lone Star Furnishings for $23,638.93 for all the furniture for the classrooms. The furniture approval was given at the May 12 board meeting. 
The board approved a quote from Thomas Bus for a new bus that willarrive in the next school year. The cost is $92,800 for the bus. Also approved was a quote from Professional Turf Products for a new mower in  the amount of $22,198.15.
After a closed session, the board approved hiring Cindy Bishop as a pre-kindergarten teacher and Elizabeth Burns as a chemistry teacher for the next school year. 
In the superintendent’s report, Mr. Ogden reported current enrollment of 1,186. He reported the track will be finished next week also. Pleasant Hill Quilting Club from Linden presented the school a quilt about their Underground Railroad program. Band teacher Sarah Thompson recognized the junior high band for its success in the junior high site reading contest. Janice Nolan recognized Hayden Smith for participating in the state tennis tournament this year.
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