Local voter apathy is appalling

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There were only 184 people who cast their vote in the Hughes Springs School District school board election, meaning approximately 7 percent of the registered voters exercised their rights on May 10. There are 2,561 registered voters in the school district.
The population listed for the city of Lone Star is 1,581. With eight people running for city council positions and a total vote count of 66, something appears to be very wrong. There are 990 people registered to vote in the city of Lone Star. Less than 7 percent of those registered voters exercised their rights on May 10.
I grew up in a school district that taught us how important history is and how very important it is to exercise your right to vote. That is a right that many billions of people around the globe do not have. Many are ruled by dictators, and they are told what to do and when to do it. They have no freedom to practice their religion as we do. On Sunday mornings we all have the opportunity to attend the church of our choice. Many billions of people do not have churches, nor are some even allowed to have a Bible. 
I know many of us are horrified at that thought, and I truly believe there are some of us who would be hard pressed to be told we could not read a Bible or even own one. Just keep ignoring your right to vote and that could happen to us in this country some day.
It seems to me if there are such a small percentage of people out to vote for others to take care of the school’s and city’s business, there must be a lot of people who just don’t care what happens to their school or city. They can’t care what happens either to their state or country in the grand scheme of things.
I’ve heard the old saying of ‘my vote won’t matter.’ So did several hundred people in the Hughes Springs School District and Lone Star decide their vote didn’t matter or they didn’t care, or what is the real truth of the matter as to why so few people voted?

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