Smith’s kickoff WATCH D.O.G.S. Program at South Elementary

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By Marlene J. Bohr
A retired teacher and former school board member stepped up to the plate when they purchased the program and organized WATCH D.O.G.S. at South Elementary School in Daingerfield. Chris and Denise Smith have introduced the program at South Elementary School and held kickoff meetings to see how many fathers would be interested in joining the program. 
WATCH D.O.G.S. was created by Jim Moore, a concerned father, after the school shooting in 1998 at Jonesboro. Mr. Moore desired to have a hand in preventing violence at the school his children attended or at any other school. Since its inception, the program has spread to more than 500 schools in 25 states.
This program engages men, inspires children, reduces bullying, and enhances the educational environment at the school. There are more than 2,276 men involved in active programs in 41 states that participate in the program.
Mrs. Smith said she and her husband wanted to give some thing back to the schools.
“Chris and I were wondering what we could do to give back to our schools,” Mrs. Smith said. “We know from our own experience with children, there are a lot of fatherless children in our area. More than a third of the children in our schools are fatherless, meaning they have no father in the home nor do they have a positive role model. I learned about WATCH D.O.G.S. at a workshop I went to. We did a little research and my husband and I purchased the program for South. It has all the guides and videos and things for the fathers to watch.
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