Court rules stock cannot run at large in county

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The 76th Judicial District Court of Texas on Jan. 7 ruled that in 1905, Morris County, did adopt a stock law prohibiting all horses, mules, jacks, jennets and cattle from running at large in Morris County. 
Sheriff Jack Martin stated that his deputies will begin issuing citations for livestock that is allowed to trespass on the private property of others, beginning on Sept. 1. Sheriff Martin said that warnings will be issued during this grace period, but residents are encouraged to secure their property to keep their livestock fenced in before citations are issued on Sept. 1. 
Residents in counties with an open range policy must fence their neighbors’ livestock out if they do not wish it on their property. Livestock owners in counties with a closed range policy, such as Morris County, are required by law to keep their livestock fenced in to prevent the livestock from trespassing on the property of others.
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