Jarvis NASA interns head to Kennedy Space Center

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Senior Ayla Diles and sophomore Cody Carrasquillo were selected to participate in the NASA Science and TechnologyInstitute (NSTI), a part of the NASA International Space Station (ISS) University Research grant awarded to Jarvis Christian College. 
The duo is headed to Kennedy Space Center in Florida to send their proton sample to space. 
According to Dr. Shakhawat Bhuiyan, the Research Investigator on this project titled Investigations of Countermeasures to Modulate and Augment the Immune System of ISS, the students will gain expertise in NASA-related research in microgravity, cell biology, molecular biology, and radiation. He said that the research is focused on the development of benzofuran- 2-carboxylic acid derivatives designed for immune system augmentation, the restoration of immune cell function and the inhibition of cancer initiation and development. 
Ms. Diles, a biology major and sociology minor from Daingerfield, has worked with different chemical compounds.

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