Planning has begun for 27th annual Steel Country Festival

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 The 27th Daingerfield Steel Country Festival will be Oct. 2 - 4, opening with a community stew and style show Oct. 2. Put on your dancing shoes as on Oct. 3 there will be a community dance and your comfortable shoes for a full day of festival activities on Oct. 4
Forms for arts and crafts booths and concessions are now available at the Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce office or you can go online at where forms and information will be updated as activities are confirmed. Also available are parade and chili cook-off entry forms. 
There is a lot of talent in the area and the chamber is looking for volunteers to entertain for blocks of time at the gazebo in the park on Oct. 4. Bands, twirlers, dancers, singers; whether an individual or group, contact the chamber office to be put on the schedule. 
If you or your organization would like to be a sponsor for the Steel Country Festival, contact the Chamber office at 903-645-2646 or email daingerfieldchamberofcommerce@
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