Letter to the Editor

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Flag is meaningful to local resident 

Dear Editor; 

Calendars are something that all combat veterans that I knew, had and kept up to date. They were called our “short-timers calendar.” 

It had very important dates for each of us in a combat zone. Our first day there, birthdays of family members, Christmas; but more importantly, the date of our departure from the combat zone. 

The day we are scheduled to get on that “Freedom Bird” and return home from hell was the most important date for us to remember. 

Memorial Day in Viet-Nam was just another day checked off my “short timers calender”. Most American holidays and special occasions were in the same category. 

For the 300+ days, it was “a wake-up” and thank God I had managed to stay alive. My job was a 24/7/365 responsibility for the platoon I was in charge of. Being platoon sergeant, I saw many things, many people would not, or could not even imagine. It’s definitely not easy losing men in combat, but it happens and you never forget it. 

I made squares and X’s for each day on that calendar and doing the same thing over again the next day, until all the squares are filled in and I boarded that “Freedom Bird” flight headed home. 

Fast forward to present day. 

Memorial Day 2014 saw American Flags everywhere. In one store, small flags were affixed to every display. They seemed to yell out, “buy me, own me.” It will help you understand the meaning of Memorial Day. 

They were lying. 

I saw display after display filled with flags, streamers, pinwheels, paper cups, plates, napkins, baskets and tablecloths, all bearing images of the American flag. 

Tacky looking Uncle Sam windsocks were all bunched together. 

I don’t want to eat off a tablecloth that reminds me of those who gave all they had in battle. I will not wipe my mouth with a flag napkin, and I will not drink from a flag decorated cup. 

Commercialism today bothers me. It cheapens the sacrifice of my friends and comrades in arms. I want to believe that those who made these products did so with pure intentions and not for greedy reasons. 

I am having a lot of trouble doing so, however.







I wear my Flag 24/7/365 inside my heart and mind. It flies to honor the service of everyone, past and present who has worn the uniform of the United States of America. 
It was at “half staff” on Memorial Day 2014 and it reminds me of the true meaning of this “holy time”.
Rest in peace, all you in graves; I am grateful for your devotion.
You are remembered.
Blessings, peace and “Semper Fi.”
Howard Barron Daingerfield, Tx            
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