Sheriff adds new security camera system to jail

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Marlene J. Bohr
Technology is advancing and improving considerably at the Morris County Jail, according to Sheriff Jack Martin.
“We have added seven new cameras at the sheriff’s department and courthouse annex,” Sheriff Martin said. “We have also replaced two cameras. We hired 359 Solutions out of Winnsboro. We now have a more updated security camera system. We can scan even down to the license plates and inspection stickers of vehicles parked around the buildings.”
Dispatch went from two monitors to four monitors for clearer visibility of the areas they monitor, according to Sheriff Martin.
“The best thing about this new system is that no tax dollars were used,” Sheriff Martin said. “The cameras and dvr surveillance equipment were all paid for with seizure funds and grant monies.”
Dispatcher Cheryl Murphy’s job is much easier with two added monitors and a security camera system, making monitoring of the building and surrounding area more visible.
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