Hometown Person

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Full name: Alex Bolton.
I have lived in: Fort Worth for seven years, Ore City for 12 Years, Lone Star for two years and Hughes Springs for the last five years.
Family: My mother, two sisters, one brother, and my wife.
Pets: Two black Labs, and a Yorkie.
Occupation: Business development manager at Mount Pleasant Toyota.
One of the best things about my job is: I enjoy being able to interact with people. To learn about their families and their life, while at the same time helping them find the vehicle they need/want.
My ideal vacation is: Staying home and doing nothing at all.
My heroes are: My uncle and my aunt. They are people that care enough to give when they need, that will condone when they need and that will correct when they need. They do all this with only
one goal; to help you. They are selfless and care about nothing but others. They are two of the greatest people I know.
My favorite TV show is: It’s a tossup. I love science/supernatural fiction and I love comedies. So I would say “Big Bang Theory” and “Supernatural.”
My favorite healthy snack is: Pizza? It has vegetables, Right?
A cause I most believe in is: Christ. The greatest life was given for the least deserving because God loves us enough to never turn on us no matter how many times we turn on Him. 
If I could change one thing about East Texas, it would be: The humidity.
The person who has influenced my life most is: My mother. Her kind, sincere, caring personality has molded me into the person I am today. I would never ask for anything more. She’s the greatest.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: Flying. I have never been until a couple of years ago and it was nerve-wracking.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d: Not change a thing, because it all happened to make me who I am. And I love myself, sometimes more than others love me.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: Not much, I’m pretty conservative when it comes to excitement. I got married, that was exciting and it can sometimes get dangerous.
If I won a trip to anywhere, I would go to: Ireland to visit castles. 
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of: Moon landing. I like numbers and it takes a lot of math to get to the moon. Also, I like anything to do with space.
Two words that describe me are: Understanding and obvious.
Included on my bucket list are: Skydiving, going to Ireland, ride in a helicopter, release an album, even if it doesn’t sell.
I wish I had the courage to: Speak in front of large crowds.
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