Boys and Girls Clubs comes to local area

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By Marlene J. Bohr With a focus on youth, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Big Pines will be starting up in Daingerfield, Lone Star, Hughes Springs and Ore City, according to executive director Bryan Partee. “The Boys & Girls Clubs of America is  the largestyouth-serving organization in the United States and has 4,200 clubs,” Mr. Partee said.
“There are about 5,000,000 kids per day visiting each day. It is not daycare, it is afterschool enrichment for kids, primarily after the school bell rings.
“The national organization started over 100 years ago. The local sites will fall under the umbrella of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Big Pines in Marshall. This organization
has been serving kids since 1992. On the national level, you probably know a few of the kids that we have helped ‘be great’ such as Denzel Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Muhammd Ali, President Bill Clinton, MichaelJordan, Shaquille O’Neal, Brad Pitt and General Wesley Clark. The list is pretty deep.”
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