CANDIDATE: 'I'm turning the other cheek'

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Several of Sartain's campaign signs vandalized in Morris County
By Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor
Scott Sartain, a Republican candidate running for Morris County Clerk is not disheartened after he became aware of several of his campaign signs being vandalized. 
"It is common for this to happen," Sartain said, "when I ran for sheriff in 2004, I know many of my signs went missing."
Two of the signs suffering the most damage were located on South Willis street and on the corner of Nicholas and Hughes streets in Daingerfield.
Another campaign sign in Lone Star was also damaged.
Vandalism of private property can land someone a Class C misdemeanor, with a fine of no more than $500 per offense.
Sartain filed a report with the Daingerfield Police Department Oct. 29 in the early afternoon hours.
Political signage is not cheap, as Sartain paid approximately  $50 for each sign. 
"I am turning the other cheek," Sartain said. "That is the way to be. I really don't think this is going to cost me a vote because someone defaced my signs. Unless there was a witness, or unless someone catches them doing it, it's practically impossible to catch. If someone is identified as a suspect I will press charges."
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