Letter to the Editor

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Dear Editor;

With everything that is going on with Muslims these days, I decided I would try to find out what it is that compels Muslims all over the world to do what they do, so I decided I would purchase a Koran or Quran, which is the Muslim Bible, and enlighten myself. So I purchased a copy, read it  and have come to the conclusion that if you don't believe the way they do, they are directed and commanded by their Bible to kill you, or me! I sincerely urge anyone who does not understand about the Quran or Muslims ... purchase a Quran and read it for yourself. In the U.S. Constitution, one of the first amendments is called the "Separation of Church and State".

In the Muslim community, they do NOT separate church and state. In other words, the mosques lays down the laws of the state. The Muslims want what is called "Sharia Law". This agenda is being pushed through all mosques. These mosques teach hate and murder for nonbelievers. So I say, until the Muslims want to live under the Laws of the U.S., we should BAN all mosques in the U.S. Just imagine, if the Jehovah Witness adopted the same beliefs. They knock on your door, you say "no thank­ you", so they kill you! Freedom of Religion is one thing, but any so called religion that teaches their followers to kill anyone who do not have the same beliefs as they do, has no place in our country! I don't want to hear about peace loving Muslims ! All Muslims believe in Sharia Law, and until Sharia Law is abolished, there will never be "Peace loving Muslims". Our own President, Barak Hussein Obama made a statement in a book he wrote some time back, "Dreams from my Father", and I quote,"I will stand with the Muslims should the Political winds shift in an ugly direction," end quote! That is very scary to me and I'm sure it is for you too!


Howard Barron
Daingerfield, Texas


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