NTCC remains hopeful after voters fail Prop 1

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By Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor
Voters in Morris, Titus and Camp counties denied passage of Northeast Texas Community College's  Proposition 1 according to unofficial election results released Nov. 5. However, Proposition 2 was  passed with the help of voters of Titus County. 
The college hopefully awaits its destiny on provisional ballots and oversea ballots and will officially not know the outcome of both propositions for sure until Nov. 12. 
The provisional ballots could make or break Proposition 2. 
"Until then we are just waiting," Director of Marketing and Public Relations Jodi Weber said. "We have no idea how that could swing."
If official results pass Proposition 2, the college will have made some progress, and would only have to readdress Proposition 1 in May with the tri-county voters. 
However, if Proposition 2 also fails, the college would be back to square one. 
"Northeast Texas Community College received unofficial election numbers Tuesday night that indicated that Proposition 1 failed and Proposition 2 passed. The college received several updates today (Nov. 5)  that might affect the results of Proposition 2.  It is our understanding that such changes are not unusual and often go unnoticed by the public unless the race is a tight one. Given the tight vote count on Proposition 2, the changes may alter the outcome of the election and so the College will wait until we receive official numbers from each county election office. 
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