McGregor is first woman principal in HSHS history

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by Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor
In a June 2014 board meeting, the Hughes Springs Independent School District hired Heather McGregor as prinicpal for the HUghes Springs High School. Little did she know, she would be the first female principal of the high school in the district's entire history. 
"I did not think about it until someone pointed it out to me," McGregor said. "Other than giving girls the idea that hard work and dedication pay off, regardless of gender, I haven't thought about it much. I am here to do a job and that's that."
HSISD celebrated 125 years of educating young minds this year, and McGregor feels this is a more important piece of the district's history.
"Through the years, this community has built a great school worth celebrating," McGregor said. 
She also pointed out that HSHS saw its highest enrollment this year. 
"I believe this speaks highly of our fantastic faculty, super students and caring community," McGregor added.
In hope of preparing students for college and the working world, as well as an opportunity to directly teach digital literacy, HSHS has incorported a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) initiative this year. 
"This allows students to utilize their own electronic devices in the classroom under teacher guidance," McGregor said. "So far, this has worked very well with positive feedback from both faculty and students. Students feel most comfortable with their personal devices,  and it allows teachers and classes to operate more organically. For example, BYOD allows teachers to respond to the immediate curiosites students have. If students bring up a relevant question, they can research it on the spot as teachers facilitate the research process so that it's meaningful." 
The future of HHS is a bright one, as McGregor and the high school staff have put different plans in play to make the year an even more successful one. 
"Our staff has some really great plans for our Mustangs," McGregor said. "Our first plan is to make sure that every day we are focusing on learning, expecting the best of ourselves and students and showing care for our kids. We are not perfect humans, but we aim for these each day. Other plans focus on increasing opportunities for our students to become college and career ready by considering additional programming in advanced academics and in work-force areas. We are also working to provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions so that when they graduate, they will be better equipped to pursue those."


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