DLSIS votes yes on track, field updates

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By Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor

The Daingerfield Lone Star Independent School District Board of Trustees met last week in a special meeting to discuss renovations to the district's football field and track.

The board voted unanimously to approve the proposed renovations. Richard McDonald of the Sports Design Group out of McKinney presented the characteristics as well as advantages and disadvantages of both natural grass and synthetic fields. He also answered questions concerning possible drainage issues and solutions.  In making the decision on artificial turf, the board considered the idea of both natural grass and synthetic fields.

"It was noted that a turf field eliminates the expense of chemicals, watering, mowing, aerating, re-sodding and painting as well as the hours it takes in maintenance," DLSISD Superintendent Sandra Quarles said. "One of the major advantages of turf is the use that it can withstand. Various programs such as football and band can use it daily without concern about damaging the field. The board also took into consideration the cost savings."

McDonald will now begin on the specs to bid out the projects and construction is expected to begin in January and possibly be completed by the end of March. The price tag of the synthetic field and track is between $1.2 and $1.3 million. The cost of natural grass would be just $400,000 less. The Board will make the decision as to where the funds will come from to cover the expense. 

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