Coalition formed to fight underage drinking Not in My House!

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DAINGERFIELD—A multi-county coalition formed to combat an ever increasing problem of underage drinking is asking parents to get involved. Erin LaCoste, coordinator for the Mission Possible Coalition, said that studies show that between 65 and 67 percent of teens report getting their alcohol from friends and family, rather than through retail outlets. “This is a social access issue,” she added. A report compiled by Mission Possible, 98.9 percent of alcoholic beverage retailers in Morris County enforced the 21-year old minimum age requirement.
“The most used and abused substance in teenagers is alcohol and they are getting it at home and from their friends’ house,” LaCoste said.
LaCoste said the best way to fight this is by changing the environment. This had led to the “Not In My House” campaign. “This is a community awareness issue,” she said. “This is something we can change. We want to stand up for families. We want families to say ‘we don’t want this (alcohol) in our house’.”
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