John Ratcliffe sworn in as representative

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WASHINGTON DC - Representative
John Ratcliffe (R-TX) issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives conducted its swearing-in ceremony for the 114th Congress, which began today at noon. “I am honored and humbled to represent the people of the Fourth District of Texas” said Rep. Ratcliffe. “Our nation needs strong, conservative leaders to protect our liberty and defend the Constitution. An enormous amount of trust has been placed in me, and I plan on working incredibly hard to promote the conservative values needed to give my two daughters the same shot at the American dream that I’ve been blessed with.”
Congressman John Ratcliffe will serve on both the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees in the 114th Congress. Both committees are vital to the protection and security of the American people.
“I’m grateful to have the opportunity to serve on two committees with jurisdiction over areas of critical importance to the American people,” Ratcliffe said. “These committees allows me to continue to fight illegal immigration, oppose any form of amnesty, and work to secure our border. My previous experiences as a U.S.
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