10 Tips to Stick with Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions

(StatePoint) Millions of Americans will make the resolution this New Year to lose weight. But goal setting is the easy part. Staying on the weight loss track and maintaining that weight loss is where the challenges begin. Here are 10 tips to help you stick with your weight loss resolution this New Year and beyond. • Drink up: Hunger and thirst can often be confused, so stay hydrated. But remember, beverages are not a place to splurge on a ton of calories. Drink water. For a flavor boost, add fresh fruit slices or mint leaves. • Snack mindfully: It is all too easy to derail an otherwise flawless diet by binging at snack time. Be mindful of your snacks, and make sure they offer nutritional value and are designed to keep you satisfied until your next meal. • Sleep: Studies show a link between sleep deprivation and excess pounds. While there are many theories as to why this is, at the very least, getting enough sleep will promote clearheaded, healthful choices throughout the day. • Jumpstart your weight loss: Studies show that early weight loss is a predictor of long-term success. Look for programs that keep you motivated, like Nutrisystem Turbo10, which delivers up to a 10-pound weight loss and up to five inches lost overall in the first month of dieting. • Eat small: Research suggests that eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day promotes greater weight loss and maintenance. Schedule meals every two to three hours, six times a day. • Get moving: Exercise doesn’t have to be daunting! Get started with 10-minute sessions, three times a day. Movement sets your metabolism in motion so make sure it’s a consistent part of your weight loss efforts. To continue reading this article, purchase the December 31st edition of the Steel Country Bee, or go to our online e-edition at: http://www.etypeservices.com/Daingerfield%20BeeID312/default.aspx

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