Commissioners vote to restrict firearms at courthouse

The January meeting of the Morris County Commissioners’ Court was held on Jan. 11. All commissioners were present except Weldon Lilley, who was attended jury duty. After a prayer by Commissioner Dennis Allen and reciting of the pledges, the court got down to the business at hand. The first five agenda items concerned approving reports, bills, and the restatement of the Morris County 457 plan, which covers optional employment retirement benefits with Security Benefits. Treasurer Nita Traylor stated that there were no changes to plans, the company just periodically had to restate the plan, and be voted upon by the commissioners. All items were approved unanimously. Kathy Broyles, a spokesman with the HOME Program, presents the three bids that were received for building contractor in the HOME Program. The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME Program) is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Authorized under the C r a n s t o n - G o n z a l e z National Affordable Housing Act, the purpose of the program is to expand the supply of decent, safe, afford... To continue reading this article, purchase the January 14th edition of the Steel Country Bee, or go to our online e-edition at: housing and...

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