Parent meeting to discuss underage drinking scheduled
Underage drinking is a problem that effects every community. It is also a problem that can be conquered, especially when the community works together. The Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse is making strides in Daingerfield to that end. There are several aspects to consider when attempting to curb any issue like underage drinking. There must be education, not only for students, but for parents and the community as well. There also must be involvement from different organizations throughout the community, including faith-based groups, businesses, and of course the schools. The Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse is actively working in each of these areas to raise awareness and education about underage drinking in Daingerfield. The best way to educate students on the dangers of underage drinking, is to have students relay the message. Peer Pressure is not always a bad thing. When there is a core group of respected students who make a stand not to drink, and then put that message out to their peers, then students are more apt to listen. Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse coordinator Susan Anderson couldn’t be prouder of the student group from Daingerfield High School. “I am so proud of these students here. These students are taking a leadership role, and are reaching their peers,” said Anderson. The student focus group has discussed with Anderson ways to better reach their peers, and will be implementing an Instagram campaign in the near future. The students will also be placing bulletin boards in the halls of Daingerfield High School with information “shots” on underage drinking in red solo cups in order to catch the attention of their peers. The students know that with prom and graduation on the horizon, now is the time to get the word to their classmates. Educating students on the dangers of underage drinking is a great step, but it is not the only step. Most underage drinking happens because minors get their alcohol from friends or family and an upcoming community event hopes to change that. On the Jan. 21 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Daingerfield High School, the Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse will hold a community event to address underage drinking. The event is free and open to all community members. Refreshments will be provided and there will be a Brookshire’s gift card given away as a door prize. To continue reading this article, purchase the January 14th edition of the Steel Country Bee, or go to our online e-edition at:
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