South Elementary students chosen to compete in Regional Science Fair

Fifth grade students at South Elementary in Daingerfield recently competed in a grade-level Science Fair. When it was all said and done, four students were chosen to represent Daingerfield at the Region 8 Science Fair on Feb. 9. According to fifth grade science teacher Jennifer Nix, students were given a packet with information about the requirements for the projects on Jan. 4. The students were also given a list of possible experiment ideas, as well as a list of websites which they could visit in order to help choose a project. According to Nix, all 64 fifth graders turned in a project of some sort by the Jan. 22 deadline. “All of the students did a wonderful job,” said Nix. Among the 64, there were projects of all types, each chosen by the students themselves. There were experiments testing which popcorn brand was the best, and which diaper type was the most absorbent. There were volcanos, experiments that tested which additive would dissolve fastest, and which water would glow better under a black light. Students from Daingerfield High School came and assisted students with their experiments, as well as helping type them, and making the display boards. “These kids helped those who may not have had help elsewhere get their projects done,” said Nix. The top 12 projects were chosen by Mrs. Nix and students from Daingerfield High School. ”I want to especially thank Mrs. Dunn’s Anatomy and Physiology class and Mr. Steenborg’s Forensic Science class for all their help. I couldn’t have done this without them,” said Nix. Once the top 12 were chosen, South Elementary Principal Craig Toney and third grade teacher Janet Littlefield interviewed each of the those students, much like they would experience if they were chosen to attend the Regional Fair. Narrowing it down to the top four, however, was no easy task. Toney said “I am very proud of our kids. They all did a phenomenal job.” In the end, Nix can only take four to the Region 8 Science Fair. The top four, as decided by Toney and Littlefield, were Hailey Crews with “Hailey’s Unique Volcano,” Trevor Climer with “Clash of the Cat Litter,” Adrian Hatcher with “Spud the Light Bulb,” and Kylah Haley with “Bubble Blowout.” The four representatives from South Elementary now have two weeks to make any changes to their display board before attending the Region 8 Science Fair on Feb. 9. According to Nix, this is the first time in at least six years for South Elementary to take a team to Region 8. Win or lose, all of the students have made an impression already, according to Littlefield. “They all did a great job. No matter how they do, it is a huge accomplishment just to go,” said Littlefield.

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