Daingerfield School Board recognizes Food Service department

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By Toni Walker



At the regularly scheduled March school board meeting, the Board recognized food service director Linda Martin for the work of the food service department in the district's recent audit.

Superintendent Sandra Quarles read a letter from the Texas Department of Agriculture, signed by Commissioner Sid Miller, commending the district for their food service audit. When the auditor left the district, she informed Mrs. Quarles the only issue the district had was that Martin had saved too much money. But, since Martin had a plan in place to use the excess monies, then the issue was removed, giving the district an Excellent rating two years in a row.

In other business, the board heard and accepted the financial report from Business Manager Jeff Chambers. There were five items that needed board approval because they entailed disbursements over $10,000. The first two of those were for new tables at South Elementary as well as new sneeze guards at West Elementary, Junior High, and High School. The second disbursement would be to Universal Time, to repair the High School intercom system. During spring break, the high school was struck by lightning, which rendered the intercom system inoperable. The school chose to continue with Universal Time, as they are integrated with the other systems at the school. Following the insurance approval of the claim, Chambers explained that replacing the system would only cost the school $2,500.

The final two items that required board approval dealt with mowing service and equipment. Chambers brought a recommendation that, rather than hiring additional help that would spend multiple hours just mowing the fields at West Elementary and the Junior High, the school contract that to Meadows Service for the rest of the fiscal year. That would free up the D-LS ISD maintenance crew for other projects. Using Meadows would also keep from preventing children from going outside during the mowing, as Meadows would come and do those areas on a Saturday, explained Chambers. The final item Chambers brought to the board was to purchase a new lawn tractor. The one currently being used needs $4,500 worth of work done, and it would cost the school less money in the long run to purchase a new lawn tractor to replace the old one. The board unanimously approved the Financial report, and the items which needed board approval due to their costs.

During the board’s closed session, the board discussed teacher contracts, resignation letters, and new hires. After returning to open session, the board voted unanimously to approve teacher, counselor, diagnostician, librarian, and nurse contracts for the 2016-2017 school year. Quarles mentioned and accepted the resignations of: Diagnostician Letresa Cameron, West Elementary teacher Robert Cornell, and High School teachers Samantha Vazquez, Stephen Coleman, and Erin Bowers. The board's final action came with the unanimous approval to hire Devin Nelson and Jordan Woods as teachers and coaches for the 2016-2017 school year.

With no additional business, the board was adjourned until their next regular meeting, scheduled for April the 18.

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