NTCC hears construction update and hires new grant accountant

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By Toni Walker



Northeast Texas Community College student organizations are receiving a record-breaking number of awards for their work during the 2015-2016 school year.

Dr. Brad Johnson, NTCC President, reported to the Board of Trustees on March 22 that both NTCC’s Alpha Mu Chi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and Honors Northeast recently received numerous recognitions. Phi Theta Kappa won 22 regional and state awards at their March conference in Waco. Honors Northeast students won three national awards and Dr. Andrew Yox, Director of Honors Northeast, received an award from the Texas Historical Society for teaching. The award considers history professors at all institutions of higher learning in Texas, not just community colleges.

College financial advisor, Derek Honea, presented the board with information about the upcoming second sale of bonds to fund the construction project. He said that the market conditions are very favorable at this time. The final rate will be determined by the bond rating and interest rates at the time of the sale, which is planned for April.

The college’s architectural firm gave an update on the campus construction project. They said the work is slightly ahead of schedule and the overall timeframe for the project is currently 18 months. Replacement of the underground infrastructure is well underway. This phase of the project requires digging up a loop around campus to lay piping, which has caused varying degrees of disruption on campus for the last couple of months. Renovation of the original seven buildings on the interior of the campus will begin early this summer.

“We are very pleased with the progress of the construction thus far. We have had some unfavorable weather, but it has not really affected the timeline at this point,” Johnson said. “Construction always brings some degree of disruption and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we make these much-needed updates to our campus.”

After voting to cancel the May 7 election due to both seats being uncontested, the board heard a Tuition and Fee Recommendation from Dr. Johnson, which suggested a five percent tuition increase for Fall 2016. Johnson said this increase is in line with actions of several other regional community college districts and is necessary because of the decline in local tax revenue available for operations, as well as the enrollment decreases experienced due to state policy changes. This change will increase the cost for a full time in-district student by $50 and a full time out-of-district student by $86. Other colleges in the region are reporting increases from 4.5% to 10%.

“It is always a tough decision to raise tuition, but our board has a longstanding history of making gradual annual changes in order to avoid dramatic and sudden cost increases for our students. We feel that a 5% increase will achieve the college’s goals, while still offering an affordable educational experience,” Johnson said. The board voted unanimously to approve the increase.

In executive session, the board heard a recommendation to hire Gena Storck as a new Grant Accountant. Storck received her Associate of Arts from Collin County Community College iin 2002, and her Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Information Management from th University of Texas at Dallas in 2004. Storck also holds a Master of Science in Accountancy from the University of Phoenix, which she received in 2010. Following the board’s approval, Storck’s employment became effective March 14.

With no other business, the board adjourned until their next regularly scheduled meeting, April 26.

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