Mickey Mayne Relays return to Daingerfield
By: Toni Walker
Editor news@steelcountrybee.com
When the words “Daingerfield Tigers” is mentioned, many people automatically begin to think back to the football teams of the past, who have solidified the legacy of Daingerfield Football with multiple state championships. However, the first championship was brought to Daingerfield by the track team, under the coaching of Lewis E. “Mickey” Mayne. On April 7, a bit of history returned to Mickey Mayne Tiger Stadium, with the return of the Mickey Mayne Relays.
The atmosphere inside the stadium was reminiscent of Friday night’s during football season, as crowds filled the stands for the first relays in honor of Mayne since 2007. According to athletic secretary Janet Larsen, the relays were scheduled for 2008, but cancelled due to the weather.
From the first call for all field events at 3:30 p.m., to the final event, the crowd was electric as they cheered on the host Daingerfield Tigers, as well as teams from Dekalb, Troup, Ore City, and Tatum.
Members of the Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD administration, as well as some members of the school board, worked the concession stand. Other members of the school board, as well as other district employees fulfilled many of the jobs that come with hosting a large track meet of this nature. Staff members raked pits, officiated as exchange zone judges, and served as timers, and pickers for the running events.
The return of the Mickey Mayne relays was made possible by the new track and turf that was installed at Mickey Mayne Tiger Stadium during the summer of 2015. “It is just so exciting to be able to bring back the relays,” said Superintendent Sandra Quarles.
Mayne played high school football in Ceuro, and eventually played for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League. He spent 24 years in Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD as a teacher, coach, and administrator. He taught and coached from 1953 to 1964, served as the junior high principal from 1971 to 1976, and the high school principal from 1976 to 1978. In 1978, Mayne was hired as the Superintendent for D-LS ISD, and many long-term teachers and staff in the district recall being hired by him.
The Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD Board of Trustees officially changed the stadium’s name from Tiger Stadium to Mickey Mayne Tiger Stadium, at their April 20, 2009 meeting. An official renaming ceremony was held that fall, on Aug. 28, 2009.
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