Three leaders earn Scouting’s highest adult training certification

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By: Toni Walker


Three local scout leaders recently earned their Wood Badge beads, which is the highest adult training program in Boy Scouts. Cub Master Randy Terry, along with den leaders Daniel Walker and Brandi Terry, received their recognition at the annual NeTSeO Trails Council Banquet, held on April 29.

Wood Badge is an extensive training session that takes the adult leaders through intensive training regarding scouting. Leaders must be nominated for the Wood Badge Course, and can only attend the course one time as a participant. The initial training is done over the course of two weekends, at the end of which the leader receives their tartan neckerchief, signifying their membership in Troop One.

Leaders who have completed the training course then have 18 months to complete five “tickets.” These tickets are duties, actions, or activities that benefits scouting, the community, or makes the leader more in tune with the Scout Law.

Leaders who complete their tickets within the 18 month timeframe are awarded their official Wood Badge Beads, Troop One neckerchief, and leather waggle, which is used as a neckerchief slide. These items become part of the uniform of the leader for all Scout functions where formal attire is required.

With the addition of Walker and the Terry’s, scouts in Pack and Troop 220 now have five Wood Badge trained leaders, including Scoutmaster Tim Ridenour and Assistant Scoutmaster Chris Smith.

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