Summer increases need for parents to set internet usage guidelines

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Summer: children are out of school, and have more free time on their hands. Children also have a wealth of electronic devices at their disposal. With all that technology and time at the fingertips, it is imperative that parents set internet guidelines for children, to help prevent the likelihood of their child being a victim of solicitation by an online predator.

According to the Child Rescue Network, the Federal Bureau of Investigation states there are approximately 50,000 predators online at any time. These are people who, through the anonymity of the online world, can befriend and solicit children at any time.

With the advancement of all high tech gadgetry, computers are not the only gateway that puts children at risk. Between smart phones, tablets, and even internet connected televisions and gaming systems, the internet is never more than a click or two away for most children.

There are, however, some tips that parents can remember to help keep their child safer online.

*Keep all internet-connected computers away from private areas, such as bedrooms. Move computers into family rooms, or areas where activity can readily be seen.

*Check history and use parental controls.

*Teach children to never open emails or accept requests from people they do not know.

*Teach children to never reveal personal information.

*Use privacy settings on social networks to limit contact to only those people on the child’s friends list, which should only be those who the child knows in person and the parents agree with.

*Set time restraints. Children should not be allowed to spend hours at a time online. “Unplugging” from the internet, and electronic devices in general, is a great way to ensure children are not being approached by predators online.

Summer can be a time of great adventure. Keeping children safe from predators, is a full time job, but can be a little easier for parents who establish solid internet usage guidelines and take time to know only know what their children are doing, but to spend time with their children, as well.

For more internet safety tips, visit www.ChildRescueNetwork .org.

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