Happy Father's Day

By Toni Walker
Daddy. Pop. Father. Dad. Papaw. Poppa. These are all names we use for the paternal figures in our lives. These men made us, molded us, and ultimately taught us how to be whoever we have or will become. As Father’s Day approaches, it is important for us to take time to recognize all that these men do for us, and thank them.
Fathers have a unique position. They are a son’s first buddy, and a daughter’s first love. They have the arduous task of providing for their families, while teaching them that life is not just about work, but a balance of life and love.
Fathers teach the sons how to fish, hunt, and work hard. Still, fathers are called upon to teach their sons how to treat a lady, and how to provide the best for their family. At the same time they are teaching their sons to be tough, no-nonsense “men of the house,” they are called upon to teach their little girls what true love really looks like. They treat their little girls like princesses, and show them how they deserve to be treated.
It is the mark of an amazing father when he is able to sit down to a tea party with his little princess, then turn right around and be seen showing his son the inner workings under the hood of the family car. A father who puts the best interests of his family above his own desires for promotion wealth or material things is truly one to be cherished.
Unfortunately, many of us do not realize until it is too late how important and cherished our father are, or should be. For those whose fathers have gone before them, I say cherish their memories, talk about them, and always strive to put into practice all the things he has worked so hard to teach you.
If your father is here, make sure to not take him for granted. Because, from my perspective, until you see that empty chair, you will never fully understand his worth, or his love for you. When all that you have left to hold onto is memories, the memories will continue to prove love: both his for you, and yours for him.
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