Our Veterans vs. Illegal Aliens
A Patriot's Opinion
By Jim Snyder
It pains me to have to write about this, but there are still people out there that don’t realize what is going on. Every week I either see or hear a story about our veterans not being taken care of or not being treated fairly. By now everyone remembers the VA scandal from a few years ago. The problem is that scandal has still not been resolved and our veterans are still not getting the care they deserve. But what’s more disturbing is seeing the care that millions of the illegal immigrants are getting.
Our military soldiers and veterans have earned the right to be taken care of. At any given time, there are between 40,000 to 50,000 homeless veterans living on the streets of America. That. in itself, is a national disgrace. The VA scandal which identified the long wait times for medical care have not been solved. In August, a 76 year old veteran was turned away from a Veterans Affairs Medical Center emergency room and denied care. That gentleman went out to his car in the parking lot and shot and killed himself. This man told them he needed help with a mental health issue but was turned away. How can this happen in America? This man served his country honorably and this was the reward he received.
Now, let’s discuss the illegal immigrant problem in relation to this story. Many of the illegal aliens coming from Mexico and the Middle East are being given benefits that our veterans are not getting. There are documented cases of illegal immigrants receiving welfare benefits, food stamps, housing allowance, and many other government benefits. How can this be? Federal law used to say that illegal immigrants were only entitled to emergency medical care. Well, those days are long gone. Our own government is involved in recruiting illegals to come to this country. They are also being schooled as to what benefits they can qualify for. On average, illegal immigrants are receiving more benefits than our own citizens are eligible for. I just read a story about a veteran that was drawing $1,200 a month in benefits. The same story talked about a Syrian refugee that was being given $1,700 per month in benefits. Now how can an illegal person be given more benefits than an American citizens or veteran?
The flood of illegal immigration is costing us billions of dollars every year. They are taking jobs in an already weak job market. They are overwhelming our school systems and medical facilities. And even with all of these negative effects, what is the government doing about it? Nothing. As a matter of fact, they are trying to figure out ways to increase the influx of illegal immigrants. The latest influx is c o m i n g from the Middle East. Tens of thousands of these people are being imported and placed into our cities with no notice or warning. Now why would our own government encourage such actions? Simple, VOTES. Now, according to the constitution the only people who are allowed to vote in the United States are U. S. citizens, right? Wrong. Thirteen percent, or roughly 2 million illegal aliens vote every year in federal and state elections. Many states have tried to pass voter I.D. laws to stop this but have been blocked at every turn by the courts. It’s funny because guess what you have to show in Mexico to vote? Yep, that’s right, a photo I.D.
It is shameful the way that our veterans are being treated while the government is bending over backwards to accommodate illegals. Now, you probably think I’m going to tell you how the two presidential candidates stand on this issue right? You’re darn right I am. Hillary Clinton wants to increase illegal immigration by 500%. Donald Trump wants to stop it. Any country with open borders is no longer a country. Building the wall is not the cure all for the illegal immigration problem but it’s a darn good start.
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