Do you really know what’s at stake in this election?

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A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

That is a question that every one of us should be asking. How many of you truly know what’s at stake? Or are you simply going to rely on good ol’ party loyalty. It is shocking how many people really don’t know what’s at stake.

So let’s look at the main issues facing our country. Now before we start I want you to put aside any party affiliation you have. I want you to only use the following three things to make your determination as to how you should vote on these issues, your religious beliefs, your patriotism, and common sense.

The Supreme Court: This is the most important thing at risk in this election. The damage that could be done to our country by the appointment of liberal Supreme Court justices is unprecedented. Nearly every right we have is guaranteed by the constitution. The Supreme Court has for far too long been used as a political tool rather than its original intent which is to simply interpret the law. Instead, the court through political appointments has taken it upon itself to make law. That is the sole responsibility of the congress and senate. Why should you care about this, you ask? Do you own firearms? Do you enjoy the freedom of speech to post on Facebook or other internet venues? In case you haven’t noticed the court has taken more from us than they have given us. Throwing the court to a liberal majority will only speed up that process. Don’t be fooled by all of the rhetoric being thrown at you right now, the Supreme Court issue is what you should be looking at.

Border Security: This topic has been swept under the rug for way too long. We have approximately 25 million undocumented or illegal immigrants currently in the United States. This has put a tremendous strain on our healthcare system and our school system. Not to mention the increase in crime nationwide as a result of criminals that are being protected by sanctuary cities. The killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco is a perfect example. There are reports of as many as 5 to 10 thousand additional illegal immigrants coming across our border every week. We cannot continue as a country to sustain this type of invasion. And in the last two years we have been overwhelmed with Syrian refugees with 99 percent of those coming from Muslim countries. Despite what you were told by the president these people are not being vetted or screened by background checks. They are being dumped in our cities by the thousands many times with no notification to the city leaders where they are being dumped. The Democratic nominee for president wants to do two things. She wants open borders and an increase of 500 percent in the influx of Syrian refugees (her words, not mine). So be honest, do you think your family is safer with open borders and uncontrolled Muslim refugees?

National Security: This topic should scare everyone. Terrorist attacks have been around for decades. But now they are happening on our own soil. Your own government has been involved in downplaying the threat. Every time there is another attack we are told not to jump to conclusions if the attackers are of Muslim descent. Why not? 99.9 percent of the terror attacks in this country in the last 20 years have been carried out by Muslim extremists. But we are told not to worry. And what are they doing to address the situation? They are importing Muslim refugees as mentioned earlier in record numbers. Our military has been reduced in size and capabilities to the point that our generals have testified before Congress that they cannot guarantee our safety. What will it take to scare you enough to stop this? Will it take an attack on our own families before we realize how dangerous things are right now?

Government Corruption: Unless you have been living underground the amount of corruption being thrust upon the American people is staggering. We are lied to by politicians of both parties. There are no more so called “representatives” in Washington. Their intention in every election is the attainment of power. Your concerns and ideals are ignored in favor of these politicians carrying out their own personal agendas. And surprise, surprise, 381 of those 535 congressman and senators have become millionaires while in office. Of course the remainder of them are not picking up cans to pay for gas. No they are doing just fine. Funny how someone making $174,000 a year for working less than 4 months can tell you how they relate to the little people. Yeah right. Here again one of the presidential candidates is in favor of keeping this system just the way it is. How does that make you feel? Do you enjoy being lied to? The saddest thing about all of this is there are a lot of people who really don’t mind being lied to. And many of those simply don’t care.

So how does all of this make you feel? Are you willing to allow these kinds of things to continue? These are the questions you need to be asking yourself in the next few weeks. I don’t care if you claim to be a Democrat or a Republican, I am asking if you still consider yourself an American? I’m asking this because your answer will determine what your children and grandchildren’s future looks like. Stop looking at someone for what gender they are or what they say, and look at what they stand for. Your families’ future depends on it.

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