To all veterans: We salute you!

From the foundation of this great nation, it has not been the politicians or the businessmen who have given us the freedoms we enjoy. We owe all of our freedoms to the American soldier.
From the country’s inception, men have left their homes to fight for what they felt was right or true. And it is not only limited to our country. Nations from all over the world have used armies of like-minded individuals to protect the country’s best interest. By like-minded, I am not talking Stars Wars Clone Army similarities! No, I simply mean that those in an army for a specific group or country have the same goals, beliefs, and such. If they do not, then the army will be rendered useless.
There has been so much talk over the past few months about refugees and immigrants coming to our country and making sure their rights are protected. There have been sanctuary cities set up for the protection of immigrants who are not here legally. Yet, so many of our veterans are homeless and unemployed. Why is that? If you figure it out, please let me know. There also have been issues of late with veterans not getting the care they need from the very hospitals set up, supposedly, to make sure those who served our country were cared for. There are waiting lists for veterans in some states that keep them from even being seen by a doctor.
I do not come from a long line of military men and women. My grandfather was in the Army, although he was never deployed overseas. I have a cousin who has been discharged from the Marines, and my only nephew has finished his Marine Corps boot camp and awaits his assignment. So yes, I do take military service personally. I also feel it is high time that our military and veterans get the respect they deserve. That can be as simple as thanking a veteran for their service. Everyone can do that. If you see a veteran, simply tell them thank you. That may not get them the house or job that they need, but it will at least let them know their service was not in vain. From my perspective, we owe it to them. After all, there are only two entities that have died for our freedom. One of those is Jesus Christ, and the other is the American soldier. Veterans, thank you all for your service, and your sacrifices!
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