Daingerfield elementary students fare well at UIL event

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Daingerfield Elementary Schools recently competed in the District 14-AAA UIL Meet, held at Daingerfield- Lone Star ISD.

South Elementary had several individuals who placed in the meets, as well as multiple teams which placed. Students for West and South elementary Schools combine to form Daingerfield Elementary UIL team. The District Coordinator for Daingerfield is Beth Terry. Below are the South Elementary student winners.

Jessalyn Biles placed third individually in fourth grade Art Smart, while the team of Biles, Jordan Tigert, and Brayden Williams placed third overall. For fifth grade, Luis Ballesteros placed second overall, and joined Jaylyn Gilstrap and Kevin Carmona on the second place team. Librarian Kelly Pollan coaches those students.

J.D. Davis coaches all chess teams. Treston Smauley placed first overall in third grade, while the team of Smauley, Mason Williams, and Jada Harmon placed second overall. Ethan Reeder placed third and Nash Johnson placed fifth in chess for fourth grade. The two boys were joined by Justice Duke to form the second place overall fourth grade team. In fifth grade, Dante Salazar placed first, Brian Taylor placed fifth, and Taurean Drake placed sixth. The boys also made up the first place overall team.

In fifth grade Maps, Graphs, and Charts, Jackson Graham placed fifth overall. Graham joined Alyssa Hatten and Khaleb McKnight to form the third place team. They are coached by Sheila Cox.

In third grade Music Memory, Kimberly Lopez placed fourth individually, and teamed up with Amaya Nixon and Austin Jones to form the third place team. The fourth grade Music Memory team of Jay’cee Alvarez, Kamryn Lee, Dontaviue Brown, Cason Terry, and Delaney Rawls placed third overall. Lee and Rawls scored 100 percent on their papers. Stormie Akinsuroju and Levi Fretwell placed fourth and fifth, respectively, in fifth grade Music Memory. They were joined by McKnight to form the second place team. All Music Memory teams are coached by Rosie Guest and Donna Smith.

In fourth grade number sense, coached by Judy Walker, Evelyn Martinez placed third, Gavin Edmonds placed fourth, and Kaidlen Key placed fifth. These three students formed the first place fourth grade Number Sense team. Michael Rutherford coaches fifth grade Number Sense. Taurean Drake placed fourth, and Dante Salazar placed fifth. Makayla Foster joined them as part of the third place overall team.

Diane Brantley coaches fourth grade Oral Reading, where Monravy Soeung placed sixth overall.

Third grade Ready Writing had Se’riyah Garrett and Madeline Contreras place fifth and sixth individually. They are coached by Amy Waldie. Annette Tillis coaches fourth grade Ready Writing, in which Kaidlen Key placed first overall.

Fifth grade social studies had the second place team of Levi Fretwell (third overall), Angela Huffman (sixth overall), and Stormie Akinsuroji. Bruce Harris is their coach.

Third and fifth grade spelling both had the fifth place individual winner coming from South Elementary. Madeline Contreras placed fifth for third grade, while Angela Huffman placed fifth in fifth grade. Janet Littlefield coaches third grade Spelling, while Jennifer Nix coaches fifth grade.

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