Alexander qualifies in state Cross Country competition

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In order to make it to state competition, Hughes Springs ninth-grader Jaycee Alexander had to place in the top ten at District Cross Country, which she did earlier this year. Jaycee recently went on to earn an admirable 26th place in a crowded field of 149 competitors at the state competition, and Coach James Fitch introduced Jaycee at the regular meeting of the Hughes Springs ISD Dec. 12. Jaycee has been active in Cross Country for over a year, and plans to continue competing.

In other school board business, Jalyn Setser of the CPA firm of Caver and Setser, Inc., presented the board with the 2015-16 audit of its finances. Among other things, the annual audit tests internal controls, looks at how data is received and recorded, reviews the status of taxes due, and conducts tests throughout the year for accuracy and integrity.

According to Setser, the school board’s finances are in good shape. Setser noted that while roughly 30 percent of the school system’s revenues come from taxes, 67 percent of the expenditures go directly to education of the children, i.e., payroll, instructional material, supplies, etc. From one perspective, said Setser, it can be said that taxpayers are receiving $2 in educational services for every $1 paid in taxes.

In her Superintendent’s report, Sarah Dildine notified the board that the new flooring that was scheduled to be installed at the elementary school over the Thanksgiving break will actually go in over the Christmas break, due to the vendor’s delivery of the incorrect color.

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